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How to Avoid Having Customers: Have a Barking, Aggressive Dog in the Shop

Date published: April 12, 2005

Some shops and places of business have their shop/store pets; a cat or a dog. Most of the time if it is a dog, it's of the temperment that is very mellow and it might come up to you to greet you, but never aggressive. Today I was out and had to go into a place and there was this smallish dog barking at me and baring its teeth. Made me really want to go in...NOT...

I just don't understand why someone would want something at the door of their business threatening and scaring potential business away. I was going to get an additional garage door opener remote and stopped at the place, and I rode up and already heard the incessant yapping.

I was immediately put off. By the time I got my helmet off and put away and was ready to go in, one of the store owners had come in and had snatched up the annoying mutt and took it to a different room where it continued to bark and threaten. Why would someone do that? Don't they want any customers to come and buy things? I don't get it.

It bugs the heck out of me to be invited to someone's home, get to the door, and to hear these seemilngly violent, bloodthirsty, huge animals trying to break the door down and kill me. How welcoming is that? It isn't!

I can understand having watch dogs to deter would be thieves from entering the home, but put these things somewhere else if you are expecting friendly visitors. I admit, I am not a dog person in any way, shape or form, but it's just unwelcoming!

Anyway, I had to rant. I didn't get as vehement as usual, but the incident is several hours old; I usually rant fresh after the incident.

Until next time...

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Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.