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Neutering a Cat - Add ons?
Date published: July 18, 2007
Yes, that does sound strange, but I went to inquire about getting my kitten neutered, and it was like ordering tires..you know the routine, each tire costs $x.00 and stems and valves are extra...yeah give me the tires without the stems and valves...well that's how it was when I inquired about neutering "Bomber."
She said "Okay the base price is $49.95. Did you want fluids given during surgery?" I was all huh? So she rattled off something about if his blood pressure should drop during surgery, it's recommended that they give extra fluids. I just assume they do whatever is needed. "Did you want to take home pain meds?" I don't recall ever giving pain meds to a kitty after a spay or a neuter but I suppose it is kind to do so. The options went on and on, bringing the cost to around $100 with 'traditional surgery' and around $160 if I wanted laser. Also, they couldn't do it until he is 4 months old. Okay....
My second call was to a vet who used to take care of all of the Furry Friends Rescue cats. She quoted me $49.00. I asked "Um, does that include anesthesia?" She sort of choked and said "Well yes, of course!" I described what I had just experienced noting, "They'd neuter him for $49, but if i wanted him knocked out for the surgery, that was extra. Unbelievable..." She laughed and we scheduled him in for the following Friday...
I think stems and valves come with that.....
Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.