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The Dreaded Refrigerator Cleaning

Date published: January 4, 2006

I've been on a cleaning kick lately. I guess it takes my mind off scary world events, gives my neck and shoulders a break from the computer, and it's nice not to apologize for the house if someone stops by. I have gotten really into it-I have a binder and it has a tab for each day of the week and a room to clean and what to do in that room--plus a daily list. Last week I was too busy on the Kitchen Day to deal with the Dreaded Refrigerator Task.

I used to reserve cleaning the fridge for 3 day weekends, but when you're self employed, that sort of is irrelavant becaues if you're on a deadline, you work anyway!

Today I decided to tackle the dirty deed, donned an old shirt, rubber gloves, gas mask and armed myself with a trash bag, a sponge, and some heavy duty cleaner and sat on the floor and began at the bottom, and pulled out the drawers known as the crisper. Going through the contents, I wondered why they don't call it what it is--the rotter. I threw out many thing, some identifiable, some not; some were forming their own governments and receiving federal aid. Once I pulled out the rotter drawers, I scrubbed at an unidentifiable substance which had spilled at the bottom and seemed to be splattered here and there. It was not pretty.

I soon was accompanied by Oreo the cat. He has a penchant for vegetables and while I wasn't looking, he picked up the large bag of salad greens (which is larger than he is) and took it up the hall. I later found it in the bedroom doorway. He and I had a tug of war over my bag of turkey links, so I had to put he and his sister in a room and close the door.

I began pulling things off the shelves and tossing things that had expiration dates dating back to the Gulf War, but was amazed at how many different mustards I have. I've been dieting and mustard has become a staple, and I've been buying some interesting ones, but I found 16 bottles and jars of mustard--14 different types! (Pictured above).

Represented were:

I shared this with my friend in Connecticut; I had beat her by 10 jars. She and I had compared notes on how many kinds of mustard we had a while back...

So, the fridge is clean, there isn't anything scary in there anymore...except the amount of mustard we have....

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Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.