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Walmart Line Cutters

Date published: February 21, 2011

It's a given that going to Walmart can be an experience - almost like a visit to a different world.  As the popular site, PeopleOfWalmart.com, it can be a visual experience.  Or a downright frustrating one as I had tonight.

I guess the wrong time to go to Walmart is around the dinner hour; while most establishments are quiet around this time, I found this evening to be a mess.  I needed my special cat food - cats were down to stems  & seeds (Yes, potential employersI I used the old stoner term 'stems  & seeds'.  Go ahead and test me - you won't find a trace of anything but maybe my diet pepsi I drank this morning).  So we had a basket full of cat food, cat litter, trash bags, a couple of yards of fabric, and a few other necessities one can find at great prices at Walmart.

All of the self checkouts were closed, to my chargrin.  There was a longish line of 10 items or less feeding into two cash registers so we hopped into the back of that.  After a few minutes of enduring a man and his child, yammering in their native tongue, not respecting appropriate spacing between strangers in line, two other people of a far away land attempted to take cuts and get right in back of the person at the front register.  Keep in mind this line was feeding into the TWO registers.  I spoke up, which I always do, and with some muttering, these two losers got in back of the line.  Then some CHICK DID THE SAME THING and I lost that battle.  I was not happy.

Two words - WHAT GIVES?  Six months from now when I am several pounds lighter and a lot nicer looking, I bet I'm listened to.  I know it is bad but I've been on both sides of the obesity table and being obese, I am much more detested.  I see that as a rant for the future....

Until then...

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Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.