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Stroller Angst: Not a thing for crowded events
Date published: August 28, 2011
Strollers...a Godsend to parents all over to let them take a load off and let their little sleepy Johnny or little Mary ride along while seeing the sights of a local event...great for the parents. Horrid for the rest of us. I remember an ice rink across the bay from me - they actually SUPPLIED STROLLERS FOR USE ON THE ICE. I kid you not...today's event was an annual flea market where an entire district of my hometown becomes a block sale.
The trick with this event is get there early. The main shopping district shuts down and many booths are set up there while the surrounding residential area turns into a giant block sale. So we were wandering into the residential area and hit about 15 yard sales, and then there was a traffic jam. Why?
Three Strollers, side by side, completely blocking the sidewalk. The people WITH the strollers were completely oblivious to their surroundings or that they were holding everyone up. It's almost like they had a sense of entitlement about the whole thing!
A lot of people wheel along those "shopping baskets" to gather stuff - and most of them 'pull over' if they are coming to a stop so as not to disrupt the flow of foot traffic. But not "stroller pushers." I don't understand it...
So parents, forgive me for complaining especially when I am not and have never been or will be a parent - but think about what you'd do if you were travelling down the highway in commute hour. Would you just come to a dead stop in the 2nd lane from the left? I don't think so...the rules of the road apply methinks...
Grrr...until the next time something pisses me off...
Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.