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How To Drive Near a Bicycle
Date published: June 3, 2013
As part of my getting back into good health and routines, I have dusted off the bike (the kind I have to pedal) and have taken to the streets on minor trips around town - riding to Curves to work out, riding to my Weight Watchers Meetings, and Karate class. But the way some of these drivers behave around me as a cyclist is unreal...
Points I've Pondered:
- Is it really necessary to practically move over into the oncoming lane of traffic? I know I may have a wide behind (which is one of the reasons I'm on the bike) but does it deem a 8' wide birth?
- You really don't have to follow behind me going 15mph. It is perfectly fine to pass me. I am in that bicycle lane for a reason - to help you see my boundaries and I know to stay inside those little white lines. I can see you in that itty bitty rear view mirror attached to my helmet.
- Look before darting out of a parallel parking spot! I'm not asking much, but the other day some guy didn't even look and just came launching off the curb and almost put my lights out. I'm not one of those obnoxious, 'the traffic rules don't apply to me' cyclists; I'm out there because it's helping me get back into shape, and it solves parking problems at Curves (stupid Starbucks is next door) as well as Weight Watchers. I'm not out there to prove any points, but please watch for us Cyclists!
Blog is published randomly when I feel like it. It might not always be sunshine and kittens but I do my best to keep politics, religion, racial issues, or anything considered 'edgy' out ot if. If I can't sit and talk about it amongst a mixed group of people from all over the scope of humanity, you won't find it here, and if you do, please call me on it.